Thursday 24 February 2011

The Script is...finished?

So, the script appears to be finished - "The Voodoo Acupuncturist": a 1 Act play based on the 15 minute comedy I wrote back in September.

It's an odd little comedy, and I suppose it draws on both slap-stick and black comedy, and is all round pretty odd.  Thinking back, though, it's an interesting little story, given that it came from a blitz writing session for the "24 Hour Plays" thing in London.

So, am I happy with the script?

I don't know.  There are elements I like, and there are sections that were a joy to write, and to read back.  But I have now hit that stage where, as a whole, I kind of go off it for a bit.  This  is no doubt as much down to frustration and what can often feel like a massive anti-climax when finishing the play.  Yes, there is that feeling of "achievement" by getting it finished...but it is a script, so it is nowhere near finished until it has been staged.

Luckily, with this one, it should be going on stage in the not-too-distant-future...and that will be great!

For now...I just await the reply from the director who is putting it on stage!

Twiddle-thumb, Twiddle-dee!

Monday 21 February 2011

Words, words, words...

Now is the time to start getting to lots of new writing!  Plays to finish off, new ones to start exciting!